Is God Trying to Tell Us Something Through the Coronavirus?

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.  Philippians 2:2-3

I will be the first to admit I am not a prophet, nor will I pretend to have heard a word from God unless I was sure. I have been thinking a lot lately about why God is allowing the coronavirus to spread all over this planet. God is not the author of evil, but He does allow things to happen. I have a few ideas, and some will not sit well with institutionalized ‘”church folks.” However, although He is grieved by our idolatry towards this thing we’ve created call “church,” I think His primary reason has more to do with every individual on this planet, regardless of one’s religious beliefs. Always remember, God loves everyone – even those who do not believe and think as we do.

First, I will elaborate on the issues surrounding our man-made “church institutions.” I believe God is trying to get our eyes off this thing we call “church” and get our eyes onto “Him.” God Almighty is our Source; not our “churches,” or our pastors and priests, nor even those we affiliate within the “church setting.” I believe God wants us to return to the Church in the New Testament, and not the “churches” we have created by the hands of man. Many “churches” in the past 4 or 5 months at one time or another had to shut down due to citywide and state ordinances for the safety of their community. It has become apparent, however, if it were not for the legal mandates in most of these cases, the vast majority of “churches” would had remained opened despite the coronanvirus.

Surprisingly, a few “church leaders” have kept their doors closed even after the ordinances were initially lifted. We stated in previous articles on this site, that we sincerely believe there are “church leaders” who are blinded by the religious customs and traditions of men. The Jewish leadership that killed Jesus was blinded by their customs as well. Most of us have been taught by men starting over 1,700 years ago we are to belong to a man-made “church institution.”  I applaud the few “church leaders” who had put the safety and health of their members first, but unfortunately for the most part, those days are over as the virus rages on. The overwhelming majority of states within the U.S. are now reporting coronavirus cases higher than ever before. It is ironic with cases being the highest ever, stay at home orders and gatherings of 10 or more are no longer in effect.

So what are the reasons behind “church leaders” opening back up “their churches.” The first and foremost reason is remaining closed is impacting the financial status of their organization and their salaries. Second, there are no legal ordinances or ramifications preventing them from opening back up. So as the virus surges out of control, pastors and priests are gathering up the herd and leading them back through the “church doors” – coronavirus or not. Third, paramount on “church leaders “minds is they cannot allow “their church members” to become accustomed to not attending this thing we call “church.” They perceive the coronavirus might impact their member’s mindset in the future. Fourth, some say it is so “church members” can offer support to each other. It is a sad commentary if your support is confined to a building and pastor, and the essence of your fellowship is contingent on that building and pastor. It is not what God ever intended for us.

For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Moreover of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things, to draw disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn everyone, both night and day with tears. Acts 20:29-31

Have you stopped and wondered why with something as contagious and deadly as coronavirus, that “church leaders” are willing to risk the lives of their supporters? By now, you have heard countless stories of pastors and “church members” dying from the virus. A seven year old boy in Georgia died this past week from catching the coronavirus from a “church service.” There are numerous cases where people in a “church” infected each other with the coronavirus. The idea God will protect me from getting Covid-19 has been dispelled over and over again. God has given you a brain, and He expects for you to use it. The Church in the New Testament functioned 24/7, and did not depend on a given place, or a certain day or time. God is calling us back to be a spiritual body apart from the religious customs and traditions of men.

Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am in fear of you, lest I have bestowed on you labor in vain. Galations 4-10

After all of this time, God is still trying to open our eyes and let us know He does not live in temples made with human hands as in the Old Testament. He wants us to recognize Jesus did away with the religious systems of men by dying on the cross. We are blind to the fact that our man-made “church systems” violates Scripture on almost every level. God is trying to tell us He is our source; not our pastors, priests, reverends, bishops, etc. He is trying to tell us we are not to serve under those with titles of preeminence or positions of authority. He is trying to tell us we need to look to Him as the One who meets our spiritual needs. He is telling us His Church is not based on a building, but instead we are all united in Christ outside any organization or group we claim to belong to.

God that made the world, and all things that are therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, and dwelleth not in temples made with hands. Neither is worshiped with men’s hands, as though he needed anything, seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things, Acts 17:24-25

God is trying to demonstrate as He has been all along, that we indeed are the Church. The Church in the New Testament has always been people only – not our buildings and organizations. Our “churches” whether you realize it or not come first over Jesus Christ, although we proclaim it is for Him. Our flesh with not permit us to see this idolatry, and we have more of a relationship with our “churches” than we do with Jesus.

I personally know someone who has been upset over the idea of not going to “church” due to the coronavirus. Without even a remote inkling of her idolatry, she argued with me our “churches” and Jesus are the same thing. She told me “church” is Jesus – that they are one. Her statement totally encapsulates the spirit behind the idolatry of this thing we call “church.”  Her words and whole concept of Jesus is based on a false gospel – this is what she has been taught which most of us have.

What is being done might look good and professional, but it is not God.  These things indeed, though they have an appearance of wisdom in self-devised religious observance and lowliness of mind and ill-treatment of body are not of any value against the indulgence of the flesh. Col. 2:23

I can’t help but wonder, however; if the primary reason God is allowing the coronavirus so we can see how our actions impact other individuals. So much so it has now become a matter of life and death with Covid-19. When we gather in groups regardless of the reason, we are risking the chance for someone to get the coronavirus, or even ourselves. When we disregard what health officials are saying, and don’t bother to wear masks in public, we are basically signaling to the world we do not care about one another. And if this is your own position – well yes, you do not really care what happens to other people.

Your concern is your pride and ego, and accomplishing your own agenda at the expense of the health and lives of other people. Your ego says how dare someone tell me what to do – I will show you. I am not wearing a mask. Our “church” or my ministry needs the money, so we must keep meeting. Life goes on, so I am going to the ball game or party – I don’t think I can get sick… Maybe not you, but you can be asymptomatic and bring Covid-19 home to your family or anyone else you come in contact with. Does such a selfish stance capture the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ? I think you know the answer to that.

This virus is not about you – it is about us – everyone. Your arrogance and selfishness can kill someone else’s mother, daughter, son, sister, father, etc. Do you think of yourself being denied for a season is worth the life of another individual? If you do, than the god you worship is not the God I know. Do you think God will honor you for turning a blind eye towards what we know about Covid-19? Do you think its faith when your “church leaders” tell you to continue gathering for services, conferences, retreats, etc., in the midst of this pandemic? Do you not know countless “church attendees” have died from Covid-19, and thousands have become infected? Don’t you know your “church leaders” are aware of this? Do you think its faith when you flirt and cheat with death that somehow God will honor and protect you from the consequences?

God has given us the ability to think, learn, and use common sense – it is a gift He has given all of us. Going to a “church service or activity” which is comprised of a group, is not a demonstration of faith to Him – it is a demonstration of faith to your pastor or priest. Going to a movie, concert, sporting event, party, or anywhere there is a crowd is negligent, and health officials continue to advise us not to do so. It is a denial of using the mind God has equipped us with, and it is indicative of our willingness to put someone else’s life on the line for our own desires. God has given each of us gifts; and some have the gift of scientific or medical knowledge which should not be ignored. God does not reward us for our stupidity or our willingness to put others at risk.

 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. Galations 5:13

To continue to do what we want to do at the expense of impacting others is selfish and demonstrates a lack of caring and concern for other individuals. This unprecedented time in our nation requires unprecedented action by each of us. We all need to make sacrifices in an effort to get the coronavirus behind us.  I think God is directing our attention to the fact we all impact each other; regardless of our race, religion, political party affiliation, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc. We all depend on one another for coming out of this, and we all have a role to play. To do otherwise, is simply wrong. God wants us to do what He commanded us to all do – to love one another. That is what’s most important to Him, and I believe this is what He is trying to teach us now.

If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. Luke 6:32-33